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10 October 2024

A journey to joy: Postcard founders chat passions, purpose and partnership

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From originally approaching us as Oasis Beauty Kitchen, to becoming Postcard, our partnership with this Singapore-based sustainable self-care brand has been a special one to say the least.

We sat down with founders Hildra and Phillippe to chat about why they chose to embark on a rebrand, and reflected on the journey we’ve been on together.

Your journey into the beauty industry started from a personal experience. Can you tell us about that and how you made the decision to launch your own business?

Hildra: I actually became an entrepreneur by accident. I suffered with eczema and acne throughout my childhood, so started this journey in search of a skincare solution that would help me. But I struggled to find anything that really worked long term.

Then I met Phillipe, and one day he asked me ‘why don't you try making your own skin care?’. I thought he was crazy – nobody just goes and makes their own skincare. But then for my birthday he bought me some books about natural formulations which I found really interesting. It’s a lot like baking and cooking with recipes and ingredient lists. It felt very comforting to recognise the ingredients used, so I began to experiment at home.

Philippe: Yeah, to me there was something very natural and appealing about using organic products without any artificial colours or chemicals or perfumes. This is huge back home in France so I was somewhat surprised this wasn’t a thing yet in Singapore.

Hildra: Many beauty entrepreneurs love skincare and spend a lot of time exploring different brands. But that’s just not me, I’m not a beauty junkie, all I was ever really looking for was something simple that works. So, even today, my skincare routine is purely made up of the products we make in house at Postcard. For me, it’s less about beauty, and more about healing.

So, did you purposely set out to do things differently from day one, or was it just sort of a natural evolution?

Hildra: It was a natural evolution. The first step was choosing to make our products in-house, instead of going to a manufacturer. That way, from the formulations to the packaging and the sourcing of ingredients, we’re in full control of the decisions we make. I wanted to create a brand that has a positive impact on people and the world, and provides comfort to those who share the same skin problems as me.

And have there been any particular challenges along the way?

Hildra: Sustainability isn’t yet a natural lifestyle choice for many in Singapore, unlike in the West, where it’s more ingrained. While people here are aware of sustainable solutions, it doesn’t always seem to be a priority. So, a challenge for us was figuring out how to promote sustainability without preaching or making people feel pressured

When we got the brief to work on your brand we were so excited. What made you realise you needed to rebrand Oasis Beauty Kitchen?

Philippe: In order to grow, we knew we needed to up our game in terms of how we looked and the way we were appearing to the market. People are very sensitive to visuals and the category is increasingly competitive so we had to work harder. We couldn't continue to just design our own packaging internally. We didn't have the skills. So we knew it was the right decision to find a partner.

We’ve worked with clients from all over the world but never in Singapore, so this was a new experience for us. What made you approach Robot Food?

Philippe: This company is a true passion project, and we're deeply driven by the quality we can deliver. Our decision-making process always revolves around one simple question: what's the absolute best quality we can come up with? For example, if we're sourcing lavender essential oil, we naturally turn to the south of France. When it comes to branding, the countries with the richest heritage and expertise are undoubtedly the US and UK, so we quickly focused our search there. We spent hours immersing ourselves online and came across your work on Instagram, which we instantly loved. We weren’t necessarily looking for an agency specialising in beauty or cosmetics; we just wanted to feel inspired and excited.

Hildra: Exactly, we needed the perspective of an agency that isn’t in the same environment as we are. I didn’t want someone who was going to be thinking the same way as I do as a Singaporean. I wanted a partner that had that global vision.

And how did you find working with us?

Philippe: The thing that really impressed us, apart from the creativity, was how organised everything was. On one hand we wanted to build a creative and immersive brand, but on the other hand, we need to be successful as a business. It was important to have the right people on side who would know how to help keep our priorities in check.

Hildra: Agreed. Finding an agency that balances business acumen with creativity is hard to find, as they often tend to be very design focused. One very special thing about the working relationship we had with you is that it felt personal too. We connected on a deeper level, which was really, really nice for us.

At the start of the process you said you wanted the brand to be ‘less farmers market’ more Sephora’. So, the big question is, did we achieve it?

Hildra: Absolutely! I imagine that if someone were to see us on the shelves, we wouldn't look out of place in Sephora.

Philippe: Without a doubt. We loved everything that you did. We had our launch party in July in Singapore and it was super obvious that everyone was very impressed with the brand.

And finally, for those brands either in the middle of or about to embark on a similar journey, what advice would you give them?

Hildra: As an entrepreneur you go through so many highs and lows. It's important to pace yourself and do what makes you happy. It’s always helpful to speak to fellow entrepreneurs, no matter how successful or how early in the journey they are.

And when it comes to branding or rebranding, I would say really know your own values and ethos and trust in the advice of your partner agency. I think Philippe and I really went in with the knowledge that we don't know anything. We know what we want to achieve from the brand and what we want to do with it, but then we have to trust the professionals to make it happen.

Check out the full case study for more and if you are looking for a creative partner who’ll treat your brand like their own? Let’s chat.