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07 October 2024

Meet Lizzie: Words will flow, knees will glow

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We have many an amateur punner in our studio, but when we need clever copy with zing to make an idea sing, we go to Senior Copywriter Lizzie de Jong.

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people don’t know…

My knees get hot and glow red when I’ve had a couple of drinks.

How would your friends describe you?

Short. Chatty. Slightly chaotic. An insufferable bun mum and Crunchie Rocks fiend.

Think of your favourite TV show. If our studio were like that show, which character do you think you would be, and why?

Far too many shows to choose from, but I’d say either Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls (short, sweet, full of rage) or Bridgeton’s Penelope Featherington because she lives for gossip and writes a banging newsletter.

What inspired you to pursue your career path, and what’s something about it that surprises most people?

I always loved writing and thought I was fairly good, but never really knew what to do with it. I did a module at uni where I was introduced to advertising, and when I realised I could write and be silly for money, it was a no-brainer.

What surprised me when I first started out is how much work your brain does when you’re not actually working. When you’re staring at a blank page or stuck in a cycle of constant rewriting, the best thing you can do is just stop, close the lid, go for a walk or have a shower. It seems counterproductive, but often your subconscious will solve the problem for you and when you get back to your desk the words will flow.

Reflecting on your career journey, what advice would you give your younger self starting out?

Consume all the content. Not just books and articles, but music, podcasts, films, TV shows – anything and everything you’re interested in. Borrowing nuggets from all these places will make you a better writer.

And don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Set your own briefs, create speculative work, grab a coffee with people you admire, and pull together a portfolio that’s true to you. You never know, using noughties pop lyrics to introduce your work might just land you your dream job (it did for me).

There are millions of agencies out there doing great design. But what excites me is the value we place on making sure every project is underpinned by a strong creative idea with clever, impactful copy that brings it to life. We’re never afraid to push things and challenge ourselves and the client which makes every day different.

RF Portraits 2022 Lizzie