Disrupting pensions

What we did:
- Creative Strategy
- Naming
- Verbal Identity
- Visual Identity
- Brand World
The Brief
How can we give people the control, visibility and encouragement they need to remove the anxiety around their financial status?
The Insight
It’s important to start saving for your future when you’re young. So why do pension providers feel so old? We needed to demystify and simplify the process and design a pension for those that need to start one most. Young adults. Oh, and it’s not called a pension.
The idea
The future fund.
Take the pain out of pensions and give everyone the power to control their future.

Youthful and upbeat, Sunday™ gently encourages saving for the future in a positive, non-preachy way. Our brand mindset acknowledges that even though most people might not always be able to save what they think they should, it’s often surprising what they can.
Inspired by deconstructed pie charts, the brand mark brings to life the very literal building blocks of a securer financial future.

Illustration takes precedence over photography to reinforce Sunday’s youthful, future-focussed perspective.

Where photography is used, we chose to represent our target audience as they are now – planning their pension, not receiving it.

“Sunday™ had to be digital first in order to attract a younger audience, so we made it a mobile app. Taking inspiration from the new wave of fintech, we designed Sunday™ to connect with and analyse bank accounts – showing people what they could realistically save rather than preaching about what they should.”
Creative Director

Most people don’t know who their pension provider is, so keeping users engaged with their Future Fund was important. Shareable in-app achievements and a personalised weekly newsletter (sent on Sundays, of course) gamifies the act of saving and helps build positive associations with users’ Future Fund.